So today I went to the local Marsh supermarket in my hometown of Hartford City to stock up on random foodstuffs for my trip to Acen that's coming up in a few days.
Once my dad and I got to the checkout line, I noticed in a bin were these "magic milk straws" that flavor your milk as you drink it with little tiny bead-like things inside the straw.
I found that to be really cool and I liked that it was also low in sugar so I just had to buy some. I opted for the vanilla flavor because vanilla is so underrated. (screw you chocolate milk. Oh, and I'm sorry for betraying you this time strawberry milk)
I didn't drink any milk today, so I figured I'd get my daily calcium by getting out a big plastic cup and fill it up with a little over a cup of milk.
I dipped in the straw and took a sip. Mmm... quite good. The flavor didn't quite kick in too well after the initial sip though. The plain milk kept getting through the straw without being flavored but that's probably because most of the beads lingered at the bottom.
I was disppointed when all the beads went away before I got to finish my milk. I guess I should have gotten a smaller cup.
Still, it was quite delicious. If you see some of these in the store, try them out. It's better for you than getting syrup to flavor your milk. :P
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