Monday, August 16, 2010

Food Reviews: Fruit 66 (Apple Berry flavor)

Bought a tiny 87 cent can of this today. There are currently 4 flavors out, and I decided on apple because apples are probably one of my all-time favorite fruits and it's hard for me to dislike anything apple flavored (fuck yeah, green apple jolly ranchers).

I tried it once I got back home and it tastes just like Manzana Lift (apple-flavored soft drink sold in latin american countries, but also in certain shops in the US).

The people behind fruit 66 have something good going with this drink though, as the drink has absolutely no added sugars and uses sparkling water for the fizz effect. You even get your daily vitamin C and 1 whole serving of fruit per can. So anyone trying to get away from soda pop but still want that fizz and flavor--try fruit 66.

Also, follow them on twitter if you can. More people need to know about healthy alternatives to soft drinks! :D